Thursday, October 16, 2008


pergh, its been a kinda tough week for me, cause it is exam lah, zzz. i think i do quite well in my french exam, while f&b dunno, actually for the f&b test, at first i dun wanna go, then my frend keep paksa2, what to do, dtglah. thank lah, dpt juga markah sikit, haha.

yg french pula, i score i think accordin to what i want, actually lebih skit cause my orale i got 19/20. like woot! just like my lecture said "arif, think of it this way, u can speak french now, i can understand u, its okay if u make mistake. so what?" lol, thanks sor bruno for the encouragement, hehe. well, now kene dere ngn agama pula lah coz i didnt finish the agama folio yet, pfft. padahal x buat lagi, fuck! gtg, nescafe and marlboro memanggil, chow.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

selsema weih.

babi arh, at last hampir sembuh.
i been so stubborn for x nak makan ubat semua and luckily
someone force me to do so, and im on a speedy recovery.

and since of my selsema and fever (a bit). i have to change to
marlboro menthol for a while, yucks doh! x sedap, rindu merah punya.

wtv shits, bye bye

1st week of college.

pergh, lpas raya sumpah malas weih nak study balik. motherfucker, with all those exams and hw just waitin for us, pfft. give me a break (haha, padahal baru lpas raya. =D) ok anyway, first week seems run smoothly for me, the class i that i went is welcoming me warmly, except the fact 2 or 3 class that i ponteng, lol. kitchen class!!! weeiii!! except for the boring garde mange that teach how to make flavoured butter and vinegar, the pastry class and food production is the bomb. mr. lee (idol and pastry chef) been teachin how to make strudels and the right way of eating it, kene ikut masalah, class lah, bodod2 sajaja =) and for food production, chef azmi (taiko2 haha) is a bit disappointed cause absence of wine in his chicken, so he replace with chicken stock, sedap jugalah, haha. french class? auw, i didnt make it for today cause temaning my frends to OU, wearing the chef uniform, haha cambodo, but people around are askin like where i'm studing etc, banggalah haha. overall, the first week do cure my kdu pang because of the raya. and yeah, i will update more aite?

fyqa, i miss you ;)

Sunday, October 5, 2008

ahha awak!

okok, ni citer kelaka tau, actually im about to delete this blog, cause i think is stupid, (untill actually, zzz) but but but then, ADA org tuh kan dia suruh jgn delete. hahaha. why huh? i dont really know.
but since she said so, well then yer sayang saya simpanlah ok. =)

Saturday, October 4, 2008

caffeine and nicoteine

haha, weird topic? okok, the story is like this. someone told me how thin i was, and asking for my diet. i was like, wtf yo, aku makan sama mcm kau makan juga kot. but he still doesnt puas hati wtv shit. then we had the discussion. ok, i always have my nescafe every morning, teh tarik if weekend lah kan. and yeah, i think i smoke quite a lotlah, (okok, moderate to be precise =p).

if you (numbnuts) didnt know, caffeine make your body warmer, so which means burn away some of your calories. trust me, im a chef, i know things a two. nicoteine, from my experience, kill away your appetite if you have a few puff before eating. (just like thte things that i usually do, haha). so there you have it brah, caffeine and nicoteine is the best combo ever! lols.

woohhoo, first day.

ahha, hello my mane is Arif bin Abdullah Sharin. i'm 18, malay and male, eleh. I life in Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur. Im currently studying at KDU at Damansara, taking diploma in Culinary Arts. Yes, im a chef, bwhahaha (giler berlagak en, brakh). bleargh, enough with the stupid intro already, macam buat karangan bukan?

actually its not my intention to make a blogspot, its happen because im so damn boring and i think setting up a blogspot will be cool. ramai doh kawan aku buat, cam best gak arh tgk en, hahaha. and its also a nice and effective way to express my feelings, heheh.

so people, have fun. hope you like it, toodles.