Saturday, October 4, 2008

caffeine and nicoteine

haha, weird topic? okok, the story is like this. someone told me how thin i was, and asking for my diet. i was like, wtf yo, aku makan sama mcm kau makan juga kot. but he still doesnt puas hati wtv shit. then we had the discussion. ok, i always have my nescafe every morning, teh tarik if weekend lah kan. and yeah, i think i smoke quite a lotlah, (okok, moderate to be precise =p).

if you (numbnuts) didnt know, caffeine make your body warmer, so which means burn away some of your calories. trust me, im a chef, i know things a two. nicoteine, from my experience, kill away your appetite if you have a few puff before eating. (just like thte things that i usually do, haha). so there you have it brah, caffeine and nicoteine is the best combo ever! lols.

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