Saturday, October 4, 2008

woohhoo, first day.

ahha, hello my mane is Arif bin Abdullah Sharin. i'm 18, malay and male, eleh. I life in Setiawangsa, Kuala Lumpur. Im currently studying at KDU at Damansara, taking diploma in Culinary Arts. Yes, im a chef, bwhahaha (giler berlagak en, brakh). bleargh, enough with the stupid intro already, macam buat karangan bukan?

actually its not my intention to make a blogspot, its happen because im so damn boring and i think setting up a blogspot will be cool. ramai doh kawan aku buat, cam best gak arh tgk en, hahaha. and its also a nice and effective way to express my feelings, heheh.

so people, have fun. hope you like it, toodles.

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