Thursday, October 16, 2008


pergh, its been a kinda tough week for me, cause it is exam lah, zzz. i think i do quite well in my french exam, while f&b dunno, actually for the f&b test, at first i dun wanna go, then my frend keep paksa2, what to do, dtglah. thank lah, dpt juga markah sikit, haha.

yg french pula, i score i think accordin to what i want, actually lebih skit cause my orale i got 19/20. like woot! just like my lecture said "arif, think of it this way, u can speak french now, i can understand u, its okay if u make mistake. so what?" lol, thanks sor bruno for the encouragement, hehe. well, now kene dere ngn agama pula lah coz i didnt finish the agama folio yet, pfft. padahal x buat lagi, fuck! gtg, nescafe and marlboro memanggil, chow.

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